I am a relatively new person to the world of on line business and I can only sit in wonder at the creativeness of people in this fast paced industry. The web is now literally loaded with information on how to succeed and opportunities for anyone with the most basic computer skills to make some cash. In the current world economic climate there appears to be no end to the people searching for ways to earn money.
While trawling through tonnes of this information I stumbled upon a great site for getting free opt in leads. Although there are lots of these available on the net I think this one is giving away genuine free leads. I have tried other sites offering free leads before only to find that, the leads are actually just other members joining the same program, you have to actually generate the leads yourself and often the leads are free if you are willing to spend countless hours looking at other opportunities.
These leads that I believe you could pay $ 0.65 - $ 7.00 for come with;
- The person's first and last name
- Mailing address
- Phone Number (Not all)
- Email address
- The date and time the person filled out the online form stating they are interested in being contacted about business opportunities
- The IP address from where they filled out the online form
- A link to verify mailing address, IP address and phone number
As well as offering leads this site is loaded with tools for promoting your online business and building your list of contacts as it works not unlike some of the more popular social networking sites. Some of the features include online chat rooms, you can follow and send messages to people that you wish to network with and there are a number of places that you can advertise your business and in fact use the site as a business income stream. It has recently incorporated an automated system for posting tweets to your Twitter account that I have found to a marvelous traffic generation tool. These are just a few features of this excellent site.
This site is free to join or of course you can pay to upgrade your membership giving you even more chances to contact people, network with others and advertise your business.
Click the link below to check it out.