Thursday, April 9, 2009

I have Moebius Syndrome

What the hell is is Moebius syndrome? You are probably thinking.
It is an extremely rare congenital neurological disorder which is characterized by facial paralysis and the inability to move the eyes from side to side. Most people with Moebius syndrome are born with complete facial paralysis, which means they cannot close their eyes or form facial expressions. (I am lucky as you can see it only effected me on one side).

Limb and chest wall abnormalities sometimes occur with the syndrome. Most people with Moebius syndrome have normal intelligence, (I do have normal intelligence but when I consider some of the things I've done over the past 50 years I sometimes wonder) and others should take care not to confuse their lack of facial expression with dullness or unfriendliness.

It is estimated that there are, on average, 2 to 20 cases of Moebius syndrome per million births.
How is that for odds, pity I don't have that kind of luck with lotteries.

Bye for now


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